Live stream preview
Apr 18 - The Balcony Movie
Coming Soon
2m 23s
Can anyone be a movie hero? Can the world be locked in one film frame? Director Paweł Łoziński is watching people from his balcony as they are passing by, he accosts them, asks questions, talks about how they deal with life. Every story is unique, and life always surpasses imagination. Maybe it’s
enough to stop for a moment to get a deeper insight?
Up Next in Coming Soon
May 9 - Le Film De Mon Pére
Le Film de Mon Père is my first film. The one my father always dreamt I would make. And perhaps, that’s the issue.
One day he bought a video camera and started filming himself daily. His goal: to offer me this autobiographical footage in order for me to make my first film. The diary of a lonely ...