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Summer of Giacomo

Summer of Giacomo

It's summer in the countryside of northeastern Italy. Giacomo, nineteen, deaf since childhood and Stefania his childhood friend, go to the river for a picnic. Like in an enchanted fairy tale they get lost in the woods and find themselves in a heavenly place, alone and free, during an afternoon that seems to last a whole summer.

Dir. Alessandro Comodin - 78min - 2011 - Italy, Belgium, France - Language: Italian

"As wispy and languid as a golden afternoon" - Variety

Winner - Locarno Film Festival - Golden Leopard 'Filmmakers of the Present'

Summer of Giacomo
  • Summer of Giacomo

    Dir. Alessandro Comodin - 78min - 2011 - Italy, Belgium, France - Language: Italian

    It's summer in the countryside of northeastern Italy. Giacomo, nineteen, deaf since childhood and Stefania, his childhood friend, sixteen, go to the river for a picnic. Like in an enchanted fairy tale they get lo...


  • Summer of Giacomo - Clip

    It's summer in the countryside of northeastern Italy. Giacomo, nineteen, deaf since childhood and Stefania his childhood friend, go to the river for a picnic.