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The Investigator

The Investigator

Vladimír Dzuro is the first Czech criminal investigator to have worked for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. In the 1990’s he collected evidence against war criminals and hunted perpetrators of ethnic cleansing. We join Vladimír Dzuro on his metaphorical and physical journey across the former Yugoslavia to the places where his investigations took place. He recalls his two biggest cases- the Ovčara massacre related to Vukovar's mayor Slavko Dokmanović in Croatia, and the ethnic cleansing committed by the warlord Zeljko Ražnatović Arkan in Sanski Most, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Survivors of these cases give testimony and bring the often-painful past into the present moment.

What is the landscape of the Balkans, which saw a fratricidal conflict twenty-five years ago, like today? What happened to the people who still live there and to their memories? What is the significance and meaning of justice that is brought from the outside? And can justice be attained?

The film is inspired by Vladimir Dzuro’s bestselling book The Investigator – Demons of the Balkan War (Grada, 2017, and Potomac Books, 2019).

Dir. Viktor Portel - 74min - 2022 - Czech Republic, Croatia

"harrowing documentary details search for justice after Balkan wars....true justice is an elusive ideal" - Guardian

"A film set in the present, about the past, that points to the future" - Modern Times Review

"rich, cinematic imagery...adds power and depth to the story" - Variety

"Even after more than 25 years since the dreadful war crimes had been taking place in former Yugoslavia, this tragic history is far from over" - Ji.hlava

The Investigator
  • The Investigator

    Dir. Viktor Portel - 74min - 2022 - Czech Republic, Croatia

    Vladimír Dzuro is the first Czech criminal investigator to have worked for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. In the 1990’s he collected evidence against war criminals and hunted perpetrators of ethnic cleans...


  • The Investigator - Trailer

    A former investigator of The Hague Tribunal returns to the Balkans, to places where war crimes were committed nearly 30 years ago. Can justice be brought from the outside?